The "Geotechnics" field deals about all the problems concerning: soil and rock mechanics finalised to the design of structures interacting with soil or rocks, foundations, retaining walls, earth works, tunnels and so on, including all different kinds of works: highways, earth dams, electrical power plants (both surface and underground plants), off-shore platforms, industrial and civil buildings, slope stablization works. The offered activities vary from consultancy, to design of all phases, from supervision during construction works to security plans editing and health and security management (D. Lgs. 81/2008).
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The "Geology" sector is mainly aimed at engineering geology problems such as "geological and hydrogeological risk assessments" and "environmental impact assessments". Engineering geological zonings of the territory are drawn up taking into consideration hydrogeological instability and landslide risk. The results of these studies are used in the preparation of town zoning regulations and databases. Geological, geomorphological and hydro-geological reports are written as integral part of the design of potential high-risk engineering works (e.g. pipelines and dams) or as propaedeutic studies in the definition of railway, road and highway layouts.
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The "Hydraulics" sector is specialized in the design support of primary works (e.g. highways, land planning regulations, works for land safeguard on a large scale and for hydrogeological risk reduction). In this designing phase, it's essential knowing the actual risk situation and the dynamic hydraulic phenomena that have an impact on the works (e.g. water run-off in the areas in which the road/railway network crosses rivers and streams, drainage of the sideslope waters, delimitation of areas showing danger of flooding, control and treatment of rainy waters). The hydraulic design includes civil and infrastructural works such as aqueducts, sewers and drainage works and all the works concerning the land safeguard strictly linked to fluvial hydraulics.
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The "Environment" sector designs and certifies waste disposal systems, reclamation of contaminated sites; the activities start from the planning of the surveys for the assessment of the local site situation to the design phase and till to the monitoring of the performances of the constructed remediation systems and of the surrounding environment. The knowledge aquired in the development of specific issues and the co-operation among the environment sector and the other ones, allow defining from the preliminary phases the best geotechnical engineering solutions with particular reference to environmental aspects.
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Il settore "Strutture"??????
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Il settore "Sicurezza" ????
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IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd. was founded in 1982 by a selected group of engineers and professors specialized in the fields of geotechnical engineering, applied geology, seismic engineering and environmental engineering. Over the years, the Company has progressively grown widening its competences and, at present, it shows itself as one of the most valued operators in the fields of applied geology, geotechnics, works for land safeguard, soil – structures interactions and hydraulic networks. This eminent position is due to the long experience gained by the development of many assignements being them consultancies, technical assistance and design both in Italy and abroad. I.G. most traditional clients are Public Agencies, Private Companies, Building Constructors, and Engineering Firms.

IG contributes in a significant manner to the development of sciences applied to italian territory by means of basic researches carried on together with well known professors who partecipate systematically and continuously at the development of the activities. The results of this way to proceed consist in the development of new methodologies that are immediately applied in the design activities. The Company has achieved the ISO 9001:2008 certification on October, 7th, 2007 for all its fields of activity.