
Highways, Railways, Airports and Bridges

-Civil Engineers works in support to the excavation and construction works of the exploring tunnel at La Maddalena site – Sector 2. Adaptation of the joining road from Giaglione to Chiomonte in the section in Chiomonte Municipality (TO). Final design. LTF Lyon Turin Ferroviaire sas (2013 – today).
-Torino-Ceres Railway. Works for consolidation of the rocky hillside contigous to the railway line in the sector Germagnano Ceres – Phase no. 2 (Sectors 1 and 2). Geological technical report and related studies. GTT Torino (2012).
-A32 Torino-Bardonecchia Highway. Technical, geological, geotechnical consultancy aimed to the definition of works of naturalistic engineering in the sector from Km 65+000 to Km 72+385. Detailed and final design. Musinet Engineering SpA (2011 – today).
-Junction of Caselle airport to the Provincial Road no. 2. Studies and technical survey. Caselle Torinese Municipality (2011 – today).
-Highway A1 Milano-Napoli. Enlargement by the construction of a third lane in the sector Incisa – Valdarno. Consultancy for geotechnical characterization. Prof. Mario Manassero – Geotechnical Engineering – SPEA SpA. (2011-2012).
-Feasibility study of alternative solutions of the crossing of Isolaccia and Semogo locations in Valdidentro Municipality. Analyses of the consequences on the road network of the valley and on the surrounding environment. Comunità Montana Alta Valtellina (2010).
-Hong Kong drainage tunnel “Tsuen Wan”. Geotechnical consultancy aimed to the definition of the reinforcement of the prefabricated lining system. Design of tunnel intakes. SELI SpA (2009).
-Tangential ring road of Alessandria town. Last section: Osterietta – National road 494 Vigevanese – San Michele – National road 31 of Monferrato. Construction design. Osterietta Società Consortile (2008 – today).
-Reclamation of the street network named “Area Macchiorlatti” in the Town Historica Centre. Works supervision, management of health and security during construction.. Borgaro Torinese Municipality (2008-2010).
-Province road 661. Bra intersection (Cuneo) – Section Bra – Sommariva Bosco. External ring road of Sommariva Bosco centre – Lot 1. Final design. SCR Piemonte SpA (2008 – today).
-Vancouver Subway (Canada). Yaletown station. Consultancy during execution of works to the construction design of the provisional retaining structures and of the phases for their removal. SELI-SNC Lavalin Joint Venture (2007).
-Province road 63 – Rubbio – Francavilla (Potenza). Restructuration. Detailed and final design, geological studies, design of the works for stabilization of local landslides and of foundations, works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Potenza Province(2006 – today).
-Tangential ring road of Borgomanero (Novara) – Last section. Works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Ing. Valter Peisino et al. (2006 – today).
-Province roads 35, 139, 143, Design of the construction works of retaining structures along the road profiles. Geological studies, preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Monasterolo Val Casotto (Cuneo). Province of Cuneo (2006-2007).
-Winter Olympic Games Torino 2006. A32 Torino Bardonecchia Highway. Construction of the fourth track in the section: Frejus Tunnel – Savoulx junction. Last section of the junction of Bardonecchia – south direction. Geological studies, preliminary, detailed and final design, assistance to works supervision. MUSINET SpA (2004).
-A3 Salerno – Reggio Calabria Highway. Works modernization and adaptation to Italian Standards CNR/80 – Section 1°/Track 7°/Part 2°. From km 117+000 to km 123+800. Consultancy for the geotechnical aspects of the updating of the definitive design. Bonifica (2004).
-Feasibility studies and preliminary design of remediation works of theProvince road from km 13+000 to 13+300 of S.P. 154 section: Viozene-Upega. Province of Cuneo (2004).
-Geology, hydrogeology and geotechnical design of the works for the modernization and adaptation of the Regional Road no. 11 from km 7+600 to km 17+235. ARES Piemonte (2003- 2004).
-High Speed Railway Torino-Venezia. Track Torino-Milano, Piedmont Section. Constructive Design. Consultancy for the geotechnical design for earth works and foundations. SILEC SpA (2002- 2004).
-Final design of the works for the modernization and reclamation of the National road S.S.23 – “Sestriere” from Perosa Argentina to Cesana Torinese. Municipalities of Perosa Argentina and Roure (2003).
-Geology, hydrogeology and geotechnical detailed and final design of the works for the modernization and reclamation of the National road S.S.23 – “Sestriere” from Perosa Argentina to Cesana Torinese. Bonifica (2003- 2004).
-High Speed Railway Torino-Venezia. Track Torino-Milano, Lombard Section. Constructive Design. Consultancy for the geotechnical design for earth works and foundations. Studio Thesis (2002- 2003).
-Consultancy for the geotechnical foundations design of Bridge and Viaduct Tanaro 2. Asti-Cuneo s.c.a.r.l. (2002).
-Geology, hydrogeology and geotechnical detailed and final design of the Highway A6-A21 (Asti-Cuneo). SILEC SpA (past Selpro) (1999-2003).
-Siracusa-Gela Highway. Cassibile Viaduct. Final design of foundations – Sintecna srl. (2001).
-Final design of the railway from Bari to Lecce: section Tuturano-Surbo. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Final design of the railway from Bari to Lecce: section Mola-Fasano. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Final design of the railway junction at Bari. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Consultancy during construction to the viaducts design of the Messina-Palermo Highway. Technital (1999).
-Detailed and final design of the foundations of the new bridge over Tanaro River along Corso Savona. Municipality of Asti (1998).
-Detailed and final design of the foundations of the new bridge over Tanaro River at Tiziano site. Municipality of Alessandria (1999).
-Connection Novara (A4) to Malpensa and external ring road to National road S.S. 341. Geotechnical design of the works for the adaptation of the connection to the design of the high speed railway. Selpro (1997).
-Geotechnical design of the works for modernization and adaptation to Italian standards of Torino-Milano Highway. Selpro (1996).
-Junction of the Torino-Milano highway near Chivasso municipality with the National roads SS11, SS31bis and SS590. Foundation design of the Verolengo viaduct. Selpro (1995).
-Foundation design of the “Delle Alpi” Stadium in Torino. Società Acqua Marcia (1990).
-Feasibility studies for the Messina Strait crossing. Società Stretto di Messina (1989).
-Geotechnical design of the road connecting the axis of valley floor of Sele River with Laviano municipality and e branch toward Santomenna. Two tunnels. Consorzio Coinsud (1989).
-Geotechnical design of a fast flowing road from Caserta to Benevento. One tunnel. Tender. I.C.L.A. (1988).
-Geotechnical design of the fast flowing road from Eboli to Mercato S. Severino – Four tunnels, Tender. I.C.L.A. (1988).
-Consultancy for the construction of the highways of Institute for the Industrial Reconstruction (IRI) network. Bonifica (1988).

-List of the most important design activities in the field of roads and railways construction developed as technical support or consultancy to Terra Company Society.

-High Speed Railway Milano-Napoli. Final and constructive design of shallow and pile foundations, embankments and earth retaining structures of the section Bologna-Firenze. (1996-1998).
-High Speed Railway Torino-Venezia. Final and constructive design of shallow and pile foundations, embankments and earth retaining structures of the section Torino-Milano. (1992).

Tunnels and Underground Works

Natural and artificial tunnels

-Xian (China) – Shaanxi Yin Hong Ji Shi Diversion Project. Design of the works for the enlargement of the tunnel aimed to the TBM recover. Technical assistance during works. SELI SpA. (2012).
-Province Road no. 154 – Section Ponte di Nava – Viozene – Upega. Consolidation works and landslide stabilization. Construction of a tunnel. Geological studies.Design of the tunnel and of the consolidation works. Detailed and final design. Province of Cuneo. (2006 – 2011).
-Geological studies, preliminary and detailed geotechnical design of the highway from Asti to Cuneo. Design of the tunnel passing under the river bed crossing the Municipality of Alba. Selpro – ANAS S.p.A. (2003).
-Preliminary and detailed geotechnical design of the highway from Asti to Cuneo. Lot 2-6. Consolidation works and tunnel crossing the hillside of Verduno – Selpro (Co-operation with Lombardi SA and Lombardi Italia Ltd) (2001 to 2002).
-Final design of the natural tunnel for the enlargement of the railway from Torre Annunziata to Scafati (Naples). Confer scarl (1994 to 1999).
-Consultancy for the preliminary design of the underground works of the railway from Circumflegrea to Monte Sant’Angelo. Stipe (1996).
-Consultancy for the design of the artificial tunnel of the Circumvesuviana railwa: section: Alfa Sud – Acerra della Linea. Impresa della Morte (1994).
-Design of the aqueduct tunnel between yhe water tanks at Capodimonte and Scudillo (NA). Impresa Pianese (1991).
-Design of the sewer tunnel at Secondigliano (Naples). Impresa Pianese (1990).
-Consultancy during the final design phase of the Torino underground.. Line 3 and 4. Fiat Engineering (1989).
-Connection road between the Municipality of Calitri and the national road S.S. 401 Ofantina – Galliano Tunnel. I.C.L.A., Naples (1988).

Underground parking

-Design of a new underground parking in Via Cavallotti at Cuneo. Condominio Edili Via Cavallotti.– Cuneo. (2012 – today).
-Renovation and enlargement of the underground parking of the buildings in Corso Montevecchio 37-39-41 in Torino. Geological survey, geological and geotechnical report. Technical report on excavation soils and rocks. REAM SGR Real Estate Asset Management (TO) (2012).
-Underground parking in Via Rovello in Milano. Structural design. Progest Srl, Torino. (2011-today).
-Underground parking in Torino – Via Alfieri. Geological and environmental survey,laboratory analyses, geological and geotechnical report. Technical report on soils and rocks from excavation. REAM SGR Real Estate Asset Management (TO) (2010).
-Construction of the underground parking in piazza San Paolo in Alba (CN) and of the first road junction between Viale Cherasca and Via Rio Misureto. Detailed and finale design. Impresa Barberis – Alba (CN). (2009-2012).
-Underground parking in Piazzale Medaglie d’Oro in La Spezia, in front of the Railway Station. Expert assistance and monitoring consultancy. ATC La Spezia. (2009 – 2011).
-Geotechnical design of the temporary earth retaining structures for the construction of an underground parking in Carlo Alberto – Ancona (2004 to 2005).
-Geological-geotechnical consultancy, final design and works direction of the structure of the underground parking (7 levels) in Piazza Statuto – Palazzo Paravia in Torino – Impresa Trevi SpA (2002 to 2004).
-Final design of the temporary earth retaining structures and foundation structures of the underground parking TreviPark in corso Cairoli – Torino – Impresa Trevi (1999).
-Final design of the temporary earth retaining structures and foundation structures of the underground parking of the new headoffice Telecom in corso Inghilterra in Torino – Impresa Dioguardi (1999).
-Final design of the temporary earth retaining structures and foundation structures of the underground public parking of the shopping centre in via Giannetti 4 at Imperia – Impresa S.I.V.I. S.r.l (1996).
-Geotechnical design of the underground parking in via Buozzi in Torino – Centrale S.p.A. (1993).
-Geotechnical design of the underground parking of a shopping centre in Marino – Roma – Italsocotec (1990).
-Geotechnical design of the underground parking in Capri – Capri – Studio Ing. Gentile (1990).

Hydraulic Works (c'è qualcosa che non va)

-Completamento della variante di Alessandria. Tratto Località Osterietta – SS 494 Vigevanese – San Michele – SS31 del Monferrato. Progettazione costruttiva. ATI: Osterietta Società Consortile (2008 – in corso).
-SP 661 Nodo di Bra (CN) – Tratto Bra – Sommariva Bosco. Variante esterna all’abitato di Sommariva Bosco – Lotto 1. Progetto esecutivo. (2008 – in corso). SCR Piemonte SpA.
-Metropolitana di Vancouver (Canada). Stazione di Yaletown. Consulenza in corso d’opera alla progettazione costruttiva delle opere di sostegno provvisionali e relative fasi di rimozione. SELI-SNC Lavalin Joint Venture (2007).
-SP63 del Rubbio – Francavilla (PZ). Adeguamento. Progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva, studi geologici. Progettazione delle opere di stabilizzazione delle aree in frana e delle opere di fondazione.Direzione Lavori, Coordinamento per la Sicurezza in fase di esecuzione. Provincia di Potenza (2006 – in corso).
-Completamento della variante di Borgomanero. Direzione Lavori e Coordinamento della Sicurezza in fase di esecuzione delle opere. ATI Ing. Valter Peisino et al. (2006 – in corso).
-SP 35, 139, 143, Progetto dei lavori di ricostruzione di muri, banchettoni e scogliere Studio geologico, Progettazione preliminare, definitivo, esecutivo, Direzione Lavori, Coordinamento per la sicurezza. – Monasterolo Val Casotto (CN). Provincia di Cuneo (2006-2007).
-Giochi Olimpici Torino 2006. A32 Torino Bardonecchia. Realizzazione IV corsia nel tratto compreso tra il Traforo del Frejus e lo svincolo di Savoulx. Completamento dello svincolo di Bardonecchia in direzione sud. Studi geologici Progettazione preliminare, definitivo, esecutivo, Assistenza alla Direzione Lavori. MUSINET SpA (2004).
-Autostrada A3 Salerno – Reggio Calabria. Lavori di ammodernamento ed adeguamento al tipo 17° delle norme CNR/80 – Tronco 1°/Tratto 7°/Lotto 2°. Dal km 117+000 al km 123+800. Consulenza nell’ambito della progettazione geotecnica per l’aggiornamento del progetto definitivo. Bonifica (2004).
-Studio di fattibilità e Progetto Preliminare degli interventi di messa in sicurezza nel tratto stradale tra il km 13+000 e 13+300 della S.P. 154 tronco Viozene-Upega. Provincia di Cuneo (2004).
-Geologia, idrogeologia e progettazione geotecnica preliminare degli interventi di adeguamento funzionale e ammodernamento della S.R.11 dal km 7+600 al km 17+235. ARES Piemonte (2003 – 2004).
-Linea Alta Capacità Torino-Venezia. Tratta Torino-Milano, Settore Piemontese. Progetto Costruttivo. Consulenza nell’ambito della progettazione geotecnica per le opere in terra e per le opere di fondazione. SILEC SpA (2002- 2004).
-Progettazione esecutiva dell’intervento di ammodernamento e messa in sicurezza della sede viaria della S.S.23 del “Sestriere” da Perosa Argentina a Cesana Torinese. Comuni di Perosa Argentina e Roure (2003).
-Geologia, idrogeologia e progettazione geotecnica definitiva ed esecutiva dell’intervento di ammodernamento e messa in sicurezza della sede viaria della S.S.23 del “Sestriere” da Perosa Argentina a Cesana Torinese. Bonifica (2003 – 2004).
-Linea Alta Capacità Torino-Venezia. Tratta Torino-Milano, Settore Lombardo. Progetto Esecutivo. Consulenza nell’ambito della progettazione geotecnica per le opere di fondazione. Studio Thesis (2002- 2003).
-Ponte e Viadotto Tanaro 2. Asti-Cuneo s.c.a.r.l. (2002).
-Geologia, idrogeologia e progettazione geotecnica definitiva ed esecutiva del Collegamento Autostradale A6-A21 (Asti-Cuneo). SILEC SpA (già Selpro) (1999-2003).
-Autostrada Siracusa-Gela. Viadotto Cassibile. Progettazione esecutiva – Progetto fondazioni. Sintecna srl. (2001).
-Progettazione esecutiva Linea Lenta dell’area centro-sud. Raddoppio linea FFSS Bari-Lecce: tratta Tuturano-Surbo. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Progettazione esecutiva Linea Lenta dell’area centro-sud. Raddoppio linea FFSS Bari-Lecce: tratta Mola-Fasano. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Progettazione esecutiva Linea Lenta dell’area centro-sud. Nodo ferroviario di Bari. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Consulenza in corso d’opera per il progetto dei viadotti dell’Autostrada Messina-Palermo. Technital (1999).
-Progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva delle fondazioni del nuovo ponte sul Fiume Tanaro di Corso Savona. Comune di Asti (1998).
-Progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva delle fondazioni del nuovo ponte sul Fiume Tanaro in Località Tiziano. Comune di Alessandria (1999).
-Raccordo Novara (A4) – Malpensa e variante alla S.S. 341. Progettazione geotecnica degli interventi per l’adeguamento anticipato delle opere del raccordo al progetto della ferrovia AV. Selpro (1997).
-Progettazione geotecnica degli interventi per l’ammodernamento e l’adeguamento dell’Autostrada Torino-Milano. Selpro (1996).
-Raccordo autostradale ad est di Chivasso tra le SS11, SS31bis e SS590. Progettazione delle fondazioni del viadotto di Verolengo. Selpro (1995).
-Progetto delle fondazioni dello Stadio “Delle Alpi” di Torino. Società Acqua Marcia (1990).
-Studi di fattibilità per l’attraversamento dello Stretto di Messina. Società Stretto di Messina (1989).
-Progettazione geotecnica per strada di collegamento dell’asse Fondovalle Sele con l’abitato di Laviano e diramazione per Santomenna. 2 gallerie. Consorzio Coinsud (1989).
-Progettazione geotecnica strada a scorrimento veloce Caserta sud – Benevento. 1 galleria. Appalto concorso. I.C.L.A. (1988).
-Progettazione geotecnica superstrada Eboli-Mercato S. Severino – 4 Gallerie, Appalto concorso. I.C.L.A. (1988).
-Consulenza per la realizzazione delle autostrade di rete IRI. Bonifica (1988).

Elenco delle principali attività di progettazione riguardanti strade e ferrovie svolte in qualità di supporto tecnico (o consulenza) alla società Terra Company.

-Linea Alta Velocità Milano-Napoli. Progettazione esecutiva e costruttiva delle opere all’aperto della tratta Bologna-Firenze. (1996-1998).
-Linea Alta Velocità Torino-Venezia. Progettazione esecutiva delle opere all’aperto della tratta Torino-Milano. (1992).

Buildings, Industrial Plants and Power Plants (c'è qualcosa che non va)

-Completamento della variante di Alessandria. Tratto Località Osterietta – SS 494 Vigevanese – San Michele – SS31 del Monferrato. Progettazione costruttiva. ATI: Osterietta Società Consortile (2008 – in corso).
-SP 661 Nodo di Bra (CN) – Tratto Bra – Sommariva Bosco. Variante esterna all’abitato di Sommariva Bosco – Lotto 1. Progetto esecutivo. (2008 – in corso). SCR Piemonte SpA.
-Metropolitana di Vancouver (Canada). Stazione di Yaletown. Consulenza in corso d’opera alla progettazione costruttiva delle opere di sostegno provvisionali e relative fasi di rimozione. SELI-SNC Lavalin Joint Venture (2007).
-SP63 del Rubbio – Francavilla (PZ). Adeguamento. Progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva, studi geologici. Progettazione delle opere di stabilizzazione delle aree in frana e delle opere di fondazione.Direzione Lavori, Coordinamento per la Sicurezza in fase di esecuzione. Provincia di Potenza (2006 – in corso).
-Completamento della variante di Borgomanero. Direzione Lavori e Coordinamento della Sicurezza in fase di esecuzione delle opere. ATI Ing. Valter Peisino et al. (2006 – in corso).
-SP 35, 139, 143, Progetto dei lavori di ricostruzione di muri, banchettoni e scogliere Studio geologico, Progettazione preliminare, definitivo, esecutivo, Direzione Lavori, Coordinamento per la sicurezza. – Monasterolo Val Casotto (CN). Provincia di Cuneo (2006-2007).
-Giochi Olimpici Torino 2006. A32 Torino Bardonecchia. Realizzazione IV corsia nel tratto compreso tra il Traforo del Frejus e lo svincolo di Savoulx. Completamento dello svincolo di Bardonecchia in direzione sud. Studi geologici Progettazione preliminare, definitivo, esecutivo, Assistenza alla Direzione Lavori. MUSINET SpA (2004).
-Autostrada A3 Salerno – Reggio Calabria. Lavori di ammodernamento ed adeguamento al tipo 17° delle norme CNR/80 – Tronco 1°/Tratto 7°/Lotto 2°. Dal km 117+000 al km 123+800. Consulenza nell’ambito della progettazione geotecnica per l’aggiornamento del progetto definitivo. Bonifica (2004).
-Studio di fattibilità e Progetto Preliminare degli interventi di messa in sicurezza nel tratto stradale tra il km 13+000 e 13+300 della S.P. 154 tronco Viozene-Upega. Provincia di Cuneo (2004).
-Geologia, idrogeologia e progettazione geotecnica preliminare degli interventi di adeguamento funzionale e ammodernamento della S.R.11 dal km 7+600 al km 17+235. ARES Piemonte (2003 – 2004).
-Linea Alta Capacità Torino-Venezia. Tratta Torino-Milano, Settore Piemontese. Progetto Costruttivo. Consulenza nell’ambito della progettazione geotecnica per le opere in terra e per le opere di fondazione. SILEC SpA (2002- 2004).
-Progettazione esecutiva dell’intervento di ammodernamento e messa in sicurezza della sede viaria della S.S.23 del “Sestriere” da Perosa Argentina a Cesana Torinese. Comuni di Perosa Argentina e Roure (2003).
-Geologia, idrogeologia e progettazione geotecnica definitiva ed esecutiva dell’intervento di ammodernamento e messa in sicurezza della sede viaria della S.S.23 del “Sestriere” da Perosa Argentina a Cesana Torinese. Bonifica (2003 – 2004).
-Linea Alta Capacità Torino-Venezia. Tratta Torino-Milano, Settore Lombardo. Progetto Esecutivo. Consulenza nell’ambito della progettazione geotecnica per le opere di fondazione. Studio Thesis (2002- 2003).
-Ponte e Viadotto Tanaro 2. Asti-Cuneo s.c.a.r.l. (2002).
-Geologia, idrogeologia e progettazione geotecnica definitiva ed esecutiva del Collegamento Autostradale A6-A21 (Asti-Cuneo). SILEC SpA (già Selpro) (1999-2003).
-Autostrada Siracusa-Gela. Viadotto Cassibile. Progettazione esecutiva – Progetto fondazioni. Sintecna srl. (2001).
-Progettazione esecutiva Linea Lenta dell’area centro-sud. Raddoppio linea FFSS Bari-Lecce: tratta Tuturano-Surbo. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Progettazione esecutiva Linea Lenta dell’area centro-sud. Raddoppio linea FFSS Bari-Lecce: tratta Mola-Fasano. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Progettazione esecutiva Linea Lenta dell’area centro-sud. Nodo ferroviario di Bari. Radaelli & Castellotti (1999-2000).
-Consulenza in corso d’opera per il progetto dei viadotti dell’Autostrada Messina-Palermo. Technital (1999).
-Progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva delle fondazioni del nuovo ponte sul Fiume Tanaro di Corso Savona. Comune di Asti (1998).
-Progettazione definitiva ed esecutiva delle fondazioni del nuovo ponte sul Fiume Tanaro in Località Tiziano. Comune di Alessandria (1999).
-Raccordo Novara (A4) – Malpensa e variante alla S.S. 341. Progettazione geotecnica degli interventi per l’adeguamento anticipato delle opere del raccordo al progetto della ferrovia AV. Selpro (1997).
-Progettazione geotecnica degli interventi per l’ammodernamento e l’adeguamento dell’Autostrada Torino-Milano. Selpro (1996).
-Raccordo autostradale ad est di Chivasso tra le SS11, SS31bis e SS590. Progettazione delle fondazioni del viadotto di Verolengo. Selpro (1995).
-Progetto delle fondazioni dello Stadio “Delle Alpi” di Torino. Società Acqua Marcia (1990).
-Studi di fattibilità per l’attraversamento dello Stretto di Messina. Società Stretto di Messina (1989).
-Progettazione geotecnica per strada di collegamento dell’asse Fondovalle Sele con l’abitato di Laviano e diramazione per Santomenna. 2 gallerie. Consorzio Coinsud (1989).
-Progettazione geotecnica strada a scorrimento veloce Caserta sud – Benevento. 1 galleria. Appalto concorso. I.C.L.A. (1988).
-Progettazione geotecnica superstrada Eboli-Mercato S. Severino – 4 Gallerie, Appalto concorso. I.C.L.A. (1988).
-Consulenza per la realizzazione delle autostrade di rete IRI. Bonifica (1988).

Elenco delle principali attività di progettazione riguardanti strade e ferrovie svolte in qualità di supporto tecnico (o consulenza) alla società Terra Company.

-Linea Alta Velocità Milano-Napoli. Progettazione esecutiva e costruttiva delle opere all’aperto della tratta Bologna-Firenze. (1996-1998).
-Linea Alta Velocità Torino-Venezia. Progettazione esecutiva delle opere all’aperto della tratta Torino-Milano. (1992).

Environmental Geotechnical Engineering

-New incinerator plant for muncipal solid waste at Torino. Consultancy for the environmental characterization of the soil. CONTECO SpA – Milano (2009).
-Landfill for municipal solid waste of Torino “Basse di Stura”. Capping system of a landfill section for the separation of waste from surrounding environment. Works Direction and Health and Security Management during Works. AMIAT SpA (2006 – 2007).
-Landfill for municipal solid waste of Torino “Basse di Stura”. Construction of a new section of the landfill for waste storage. Works Direction and Health and Security Management during Works of the side and bottom lining system. (in co-operation with Studio ing. Cristiglio) – AMIAT SpA (2001).
-Design of the landfill for industrial toxic and noxious waste “Barricalla” in the Municipality of Collegno (Torino). Barricalla S.p.A. (1992 – 1998).
-Review of the design of an industrial waste landfill. (Melbourne, Australia). Environment Protection Authority, Melbourne (Australia) (1998).
-Participation, in the ambit of the European Program “Leonardo Da Vinci” to the “GEOTEC” international project aimed to the set up of a permanent updating course on Environmental Geotechnics. Associazione Poligeotecnici Riuniti (1997-2000).
-Research program in co-operation with Ancona University concerning the geotechnical aspects related to disposal facilities for municipal solid waste. Italgas (1991 – 1993; 1995 – 1997).
-Design of the geognostic and environmental survey preliminary to the studies of the reclamation works of an industrial polluted site. Ecolinea plant at Leinì (Torino). Finpiemonte (1992).
-Feasibility studies for the environmental remediation of the asbestos mine at Balangero (Torino). Finpiemonte (1991).
-Works Direction of the construction of the municipal solid waste landfill at Riva di Chieri (Torino). Browning Ferries Industries (1991).

List of the most important activities in the field of environmental engineering developed as technical support or consultancy to Studio Geotecnico Italiano Ltd. Milano.

-Works on the capping system and on the sideslopes of the COVAR 14 MSW landfill at Vinovo (Torino), La Motta site. Assistance to work supervision and accountancy. (2012 – 2013).
-Works on the capping system of the COVAR 14 MSW landfill at La Loggia (Torino) – Tetti Sagrini site. Assistance to work supervision and accountancy (2011 – 2013).
-Works direction assistance for the reclamation works of a polluted site in Municipality of Nichelino (Torino). CO.VA.R. 14 Carignano (Torino). (2007 – 2008).
-Works direction assistance for the construction of a new landfill for the storage of non-metallic residuals from car crushing (“fluff”) in the Settimo Torinese Municipality, Torino. (2002 – 2006). Centro Recuperi e Servizi srl.
-Works direction assistance for the reclamation of Ferrero steel plant at Municipality of Settimo Torinese, Torino (2005). Immobiliare Ferrero SpA.
-Accountancy of the works for the construction of a new car crushing plant – Municipality of Settimo Torinese, Torino (2002 – 2004). Centro Recuperi e Servizi srl.
-Design of the enlargment of the municipal solid waste landfill of Genova at Scarpino site. Amiu Genova (1996).
-Preliminary design of a complex of disposal facilities for municipal, industrial, special, toxic, toxic-noxious waste of the iron and steel industry ILVA at Taranto. ILVA (1993).
-Design of the works for the containment systems of subsoil pollutantsand for the reclamation of the ACNA chemical plant at Cengio (Savona). Tecnimont e Acna Chimica Organica (1992).

Consolidation Works, Slope Stabilization, Soil Treatments

-Civil Engineers works in support to the excavation and construction works of the exploring tunnel at La Maddalena site – Sector 1. Works for the soil depot site related to the opening of the exploring tunnel at “La Maddalena” site in Chiomonte Municipality (Torino). – Final design. LTF Lyon Turin Ferroviaire sas (2013 – today).
-Consolidation works of the municipal road “Via Vecchia del Piano” and consolidation of the mounatinside downhill of the ancient centre in Clavesana Municipality. Preliminary and detailed design. Clavesana Municipality (CN). (2012 – today).
-Consolidation works of the hillside at the locations of San Michele, Fey, Gerbido and San Giovanni Lontano in the Bra Municipality. Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Bra Municipality (CN). (2012 – today).
-Remediation works of the walls of Bene Vagienna Municipality. Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction Bene Vagienna Municipality (CN). (2012-today).
-Hydraulic and hydrogeological remediation of the sideslope over the inhabited centre of Ceres Municipality. Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Ceres Municipality (TO). (2012 – today).
-Urgent works for the construction of the earth retaining structures and the consolidation works of the sideslope downhill the inhabited centre of Montezemolo Municipality (CN). Sector 2 – Track 1. Design, works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Comunità Montana “Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese”. (2011 – today).
-Consolidation works of the sideslope “Truina” near the inhabited centre of S. Stefano Roero Municipality (CN). Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction. S. Stefano Roero Municipality (CN) (2011 – today).
-Cortemilia Municipality (CN). Province Road no. 429. Sector: Castino to Province Road no. 2 at Pezzolo. Consolidation works and restoration of the bridge upon the Bormida River in the inhabited centre of Cortemilia. Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Province di Cuneo (2011 – today).
-Urgent works for the construction of the earth retaining structures and the consolidation works of the sideslope downhill the inhabited centre of Montezemolo Municipality (CN). Sector 1. Design, works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Comunità Montana “Alto Tanaro Cebano Monregalese”. (2011 – 2012).
-National road no. 231 “di Santa Vittoria”- Bridge on Tanaro River at Govone (Cuneo). Consolidation works of bridge foundations on Tanaro river from km 16+200 to km 16+900. Consultancy and construction drawings of the consolidation works of a viaduct piles. Impresa Zoppi srl. (2010 – 2011).
-Municipality of Noli (Savona). Construction of a new underground parking and urban reclamation of the railway areas. Design of the final works for sideslope stabilization. Impresa Z & R. (2010 – today).
-Municipality of Bussoleno (Torino). Consolidation works of earth retaining structures along municipal roads damaged by the flood in May 2008. Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction Municipality of Bussoleno (Torino). (2010 – 2012).
-Municipality of Bussoleno (Torino). Stabilzation works of the landslide near Rocciamelone creek at 1200 to 1500 m above ground level due to the flood of May 2008.Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction Municipality of Bussoleno (Torino). (2010 – 2012).
-Municipality of Monchiero (Cuneo). Rea River. Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance works in the sector from the bridge of the provincial Road no 661 to Cascina Colombera site. Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction Municipality of Monchiero (Cuneo). (2009 – today).
-Provincial Road no 35 – Land sliding involving the roadway in the Municipality of Roburent (Cuneo). Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Provincia di Cuneo. (2009 – 2012).
-Environmental and landscape reclamation of the quarry “Sada” an dboundary areas. Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works supervision, management of health and security during construction. Comune di Avigliana (Torino). (2009 – 2011).
-XX Winter Olympic Games at Torino (2006). A32 Highway – Sector Savoulx-Bardonecchia. Extraordinary maintenance for the improvement of the safety conditions needed from the construction of a fourth line. Works on reinforced earth and sideslopes from Pk 65+00 to Pk 72+385. Technical consultancy and assistance to work supervision. MUSINET Engineering SpA. (2009).
-SP 164 – Geological and geotechnical evaluation of the landslide at Bagnaschino site (Cuneo).Feasibility studies of technical remediation measures to be adopted. Province of Cuneo. (2008-present).
-SP 212: km 4+500 – Municipality of Moncenisio (TO) – First remediation works of a road section break down due to a landslide occurred on April 6th, 2007. Technical studies on the local situation and remediation works coordination. Province of Torino. (2007).
-SP : km 46+350 – Municipality of Ala di Stura (TO) – Geological and geomechanical studies, Works Direction and Security and Health Management of the first remediation works of the road break down due to the landslide occurred on May 25th, 2007. Province of Torino. (2007)
-Preliminary, detailed and final design, Works direction, security and health management of the works for reclamation and consolidation of the hillside damaged by an old landslide in the territory of Ceres Municipality. Municipality of Ceres (2006 – present).
-Avigliana Municipality (TO). National Road SS589 “Laghi di Avigliana”. Reclamation of the damaged section between km 4+800 and km 5+200, on “Quarry Sada” site. Geological studies, preliminary, detailed and final design, assistance to the works direction. Province of Torino (2005 – 2006).
-Municipality of Barbaresco (Cuneo). Consolidation works of the “Rocche di Barbaresco”. Geological studies, preliminary, detailed and final design Design of the consolidation works and stabilization of the sideslope. Municipality of Barbaresco (Cuneo) (2005 – present). pdf icon
-Regional Road “ex SS 10” Padana Inferiore (TO). Works direction and security and health management during works of the first remediation works of the Tunnel cap “Pino” from km 9+500 to km 10+500. Province of Torino (2005).
-Municipality of di Salza di Pinerolo – Site Rodoretto (Torino). Geological studies, design of the works for first remediation and complete design for the reclamation works of the Provincial road no. SP260 from km 0+400 to km 0+700. detailed and final design, Works direction, Security and health management during works. Province of Torino (2005).
-Avigliana and Trana Municipalities (Torino). External ring road SS589 “Laghi di Avigliana”. First remediation works for the removal of the soil from the area interested by the landslide and storage in the nearby Sada quarry site. Detailed and final design. Province of Torino (2004). pdf icon
-Torino Subway. Section 1 Lot 5 (Acaja – Porta Nuova). Constructive design and works supervision of the soil stabilization works preparatory to the mechanized excavation of the tunnel. Studio Geotecnico Italiano. (2004).
-Final design of the monitoring activities and remediation works of the landslide at Ceres (Torino). Municipality of Ceres (2003-2004).
-A32 Highway. Geological-geomorphological, hydrogeological and geotechnical-geomachanical studies of the mountainside landslide Millaures. SITAF SpA (2003-2004).
-Geological studies and surveys for the design of the geotechnical monitoring program of the landslides along the mountainsides of the National road SS23 “Sestriere”. Bonifica SpA (2003-2004).
-Preliminary, detailed and final design of the hydrogeological remediation works of the hillside selected for the construction of the new hospital Alba-Bra (Cuneo). Local Health Authority no. 18 (2003 – 2004).
-Design and works direction of the first consolidation works of the rocky sideslope underlaying the town centre of Pianezza (Torino). Municipality of Pianezza (2001). In co-operation with Studio Siniscalco, Torino.
-Design and direction of the stabilization works of the Barbaresco Tower and of the underlaying sideslope. Municipality of Barbaresco (Cuneo) (1999-2001).
-Hydrogeological instability over Civiasco (Vercelli) built-up area: studies of the actual local situation and design of the stabilization works. Comunità Montana Valsesia (VC) (1998)..
-Preliminary design of the stabilization of the rocky sideslope underlaying the S. Sebastiano Chapel ande 1° Maggio square damaged by the flood occurred in 1994 – Municipality of Pianezza – Province of Torino. SI.ME.TE (1996).
-Landslide under the building of the missionary sisters of Holy Hearth of Jesus at San Raffaele Cimena Municipality (Torino) – Design and direction of the remediation works . Missionary sisters of Holy Hearth of Jesus Cabrini (1995).
-Fondovalle Sele road. Design of the works for the Vallipote landslide stabilization. Consorzio CO.IN.FRA (1995).
-Hydrogeological remediation of San Bartolo Mountain – Consolidation works of the rocky sideslope near the bulit-up area of Fiorenzuola di Focara (Pesaro). Municipality of Pesaro (1995).
-Fondovalle Sele road. Design of the consolidation works of a road section. Consorzio CO.IN.FRA (1995).
-Works for hydrogeological stabilization of the southern hillside of the built-up area at Atessa and of the eastern hillside of the built-up area at Gissi. Lombardini Constructors (1992 – 93).
-Hydraulic and sanitary reclamation of San Rocco riverbed and related drainage tunnel in the sewer at Secondigliano. Pianese Constructors (Napoli) (1992).
-A6 Torino-Savona Highway – Design of stabilization of the excavation face resulting from the works for the improvement of the highway route at Priero site. Società Autostrade (1991).
-Design of the consolidation works of the rocky sideslopes along the road network external to the Municipality of Bisaccia. Lombardini Constructors (1989).