
The “Environment” sector designs and certifies waste disposal systems, reclamation of contaminated sites; the activities start from the planning of the surveys for the assessment of the local site situation to the design phase and till to the monitoring of the performances of the constructed remediation systems and of the surrounding environment.

The knowledge aquired in the development of specific issues and the co-operation among the environment sector and the other ones, allow defining from the preliminary phases the best geotechnical engineering solutions with particular reference to environmental aspects.

More in detail, the activities include:

  • geological, hydrogeological and feasibility studies of waste disposal facilities;
  • design and construction of municipal and industrial waste disposal facilities;
  • environmental impact evaluation;
  • planning of laboratory tests for the assessment of the behaviour of lining materials in presence of lechate or pollutants;
  • groundwater remediation design;
  • consultancy and design of remediation systems related to the subsoil contamination;
  • technical specifications related to the above mentioned works.