Privacy Policy

Conditions about using

-1 Introduction
In this document the General Conditions of use of website in ownership of IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd (hereinafter, for brevity, respectively, the “Conditions” and the “Site ” ) are provided. They apply to all those who intend to navigate on the pages of the website. Access to the Site and, in any case, any action involving navigation on the web pages is an acceptance of Terms of Use. In case the user does not accept the conditions , it is sufficient that he abstain from navigating on the pages of the Site. In addition to the above, anyone accessing the Site implicitly declares to be of age and not to use the Website and the materials on it for unlawful purposes or otherwise contrary to the laws in force. Conditions may be modified by IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd at any time, without this circumstance is given prior notice to users, and subject to the burden of the users to regularly view before accessing the contents of the Site. If within the web pages of the Site are offered services or presented contents subject to special terms and conditions set forth in these pages, these shall prevail over these Conditions.

-2 Site Content
IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd intends to offer , through the pages of the Site , general information related to its activities in Italy and abroad and although the latter are constantly checked and updated by skilled and specially selected, it is understood that the content of the same, with reference to the matter, it should not be considered neither exhaustive nor complete or otherwise correct. Therefore , the user who intends to rely on the information contained on the Site should play an independent and additional verification of the correctness of the same. In this regard, IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd informs that the material on this site may not be appropriate and / or suitable for specific purposes and interests pursued by the users who access to the website pages, or may have within it, elements that, if reused, can determine violations of intellectual property rights owned by third parties. On the Site may be included links related to third party websites. In the first case , the hyperlinks have the sole function of facilitating user navigation without there being any relationship between the content of the site and the third site reached which remains unrelated to the sphere of action of IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd. In addition, IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd announces that it cannot have any effect on the structure of the third party sites linked to its own or have correctness of the truthfulness, accuracy and adequacy of the materials and / or information contained therein and that even where there are contractual relations between IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd and the third holder of the recipient site link; in the second case, should be considered fully effective and binding these Terms, with the express warning that if specific conditions of use were present on the reached site, the latter are to be regarded prevailing over the former.

-3 Intellectual and industrial property rights
All Site contents are protected and safeguarded by current rules on copyright and industrial and/or intellectual property. By way of example , but not limited to, Site content are, among other things:
-charts and tables;
-audio reproductions;
-animated drawings or not;
-any other graphic and / or text in general.
Therefore, it is not possible copy and / or reproduce in whole or in part the content of the Site without the express permission of IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd.
In addition , we inform you that on the Website may find placement trademarks , domain names , company names , brands and companies owned by third parties with which IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd has cooperative relations in various ways , which benefit of the same protection accorded by the current regulations. Finally , IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd states that it is absolutely forbidden to use all the distinctive signs of IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd such as metatags, or as html language commands that, without any display or formatting of a certain command provides in any case instructions to electronic agents or to research engines to increase the availability of a site different from the one attributable to IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd.

-4 Characteristics of the service
IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd states that its Website could not be reached and / or compatible with the computer systems used to access it nor free from errors, viruses and / or other informatic malfunctions, while adopting all the most innovative solutions from a technological point of view to ensure that the Website is constantly accessible and free of defects of any kind. As a result , anyone who accesses the site acknowledges and accepts that its use must therefore be understood accomplished ” on as available basis”.

-5 How to Use the Site
In addition to the statements in paragraph 3, IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd declares that the content of the Site may not be , in whole or in part , copied, reproduced , republished, uploaded , transmitted or distributed in any way or form without obtaining the prior written consent of the administrative head of IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd, except for the activities of printing, downloading and displaying part of the Site ‘s content made exclusively for personal purposes and not commercial use, provided that the material is not modified in any way and are maintained all the information relating to intellectual and / or industrial property rights. At the same time , the content of the Website may not , in whole or in part , be spread through communication channels such as the Internet web, television systems , radio waves or any other nature in the absence of prior written permission of IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd. Moreover, the information and materials contained in the Site cannot be used for commercial purposes in order to build databases of each type and gender , nor be stored (in whole or in part ) in previous databases, either accessible only by its constitutor or made available to third parties.

-6 Link to the Website and framing
IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd in order to create a link with its own home page currently accessible at the web address (henceforth “Home Page”), it is necessary to send a request by e – mail to in which shall be indicated: the data of the person responsible for the technical aspects of the connecting link management (including e – mail address and phone number); the data of the applicant company ; the indication of the address of the web site where the connecting link with the Home Page will be created; any additional information considered useful in order to obtain the permission of IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd. Where authorized by Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd, the creation of a link to the Site gives a nonexclusive, nontransferable license concerning the use of the legal name “IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd” having the sole and exclusive purpose of creating a hyperlink from the site in the ownership of the third party to with expressed exclusion of any other use. In any case , IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd only recognizes the possibility of creating a link with its Home Page and not with the internal pages of the Site. Without the prior written consent by IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd, it is in no way permitted to create a link to the Home Page Site nor to internal pages and / or ancillary Site, effectively creating a so-called ” Deep link”, nor engage or present the content of the Site within another website, creating a so-called “framing”. In this regard, it is stated that the violation of the provisions in the preceding paragraph constitutes an illegal conduct also in terms of unfair competition , governed by the current regulations.

-7 Document submissions to IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd
Sending any material to IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd, via e -mail or through the Site, will constitute implicit authorization to that the same be freely reproduced, used , disclosed , displayed, processed, used for making copies and distributed to others without limitation. Similarly , while respecting the moral rights, all the texts, ideas, concepts, know -how and / or technical knowledge may be contained in the material may be freely used and exploited economically by IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd for any purpose including, but are not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products using such material or thereto connected. By sending the material to IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd the user declares and guarantees that he is its sole owner, or, at least, to have obtained the right to freely use the material itself resulting in total exclusion of the risk that its use could lead to violation of rights of all kinds and sorts on third parties. Considered the “open nature” of the Internet network, IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd specifically recommend not to transmit through electronic channels of communication materials that the user do not consider freely usable by third parties.

-8 Applicable Law
Conditions shall be governed by Italian law and must therefore be interpreted by applying this regulation. Per any dispute will refer the Court of Turin.

-9 Access to the Site from abroad
Anyone who accesses the website from a country other than Italy is obliged to behave in compliance with the conditions and applicable laws in the context of the latter country, and expressly guarantees that does not use the Site and the material contained therein so as to cause a breach of the referred laws.

-10 Changes or additions to the Website
IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd informs that may at any time, completely independently and at its own discretion, replace, add, modify and / or integrate the Website and / or the material contained therein as well as technology used. In order to become aware of changes or changes in the policy relating to regulations of the site followed by IG Ingegneria Geotecnica Ltd, due, primarily, to changes in regulations, it is appropriate that the user constantly consult this document.


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